3 Important Things To Know About Child Support

There are many decisions that must be made when two people opt to file for divorce. Marriages that have produced children can pose unique challenges during the divorce process. Child support is one of the decisions that can have a long-lasting impact on both spouse's income levels.  The court often gets involved in setting child support amounts, so there are some important things you need to know in order to navigate the legalities of child support in the future.

3 Things To Know About Parenting Agreements For Unwed Parents

There are many people today who have children with people they are not married to. When this happens, and both parents want rights to the children, there can be legal confusion and problems for the parents. If you have a child with someone you are not married to or even dating, you may want to talk to a family lawyer about drawing up a parenting agreement that you can both sign and abide by.

Divorce Court: Make It Better For Everyone

If you and your spouse have exhausted your efforts to patch things up, then divorce may be in your future. While litigating a divorce in court has a justifiably bad reputation, that is not the only way to part ways. Your divorce can be better as long as you keep the following tips in mind and think of it as a transition into a new life. Have you considered mediation? If you have a few issues that you and your spouse disagree on then you could be looking at having those problems resolved in family court.

Four Things Your Criminal Defense Attorney Won't Say

The distress you're feeling because of legal trouble is somewhat relieved by your decision to swiftly retain a criminal defense attorney. However, you may have some unrealistic ideas about what that relationship will be like and what they'll advise; that's in part because of TV shows and what others have told you. A trustworthy attorney will never suggest the following. "Your Rights Weren't Read to You? This Case Will Get Dismissed.

What's The Difference Between Administrative And Judicial Probate?

When a loved one leaves behind an estate that should be designated to their next of kin, it begins a legal process known as probate. Probate is what the court uses as a term to describe the legal process of working through a will and settling estate affairs. However, there are actually two types of probate: administrative and judicial. While both types of probate focus on doing the same thing, both administrative and judicial probate have different processes and may include different things.