3 Reasons You're Not On Your Own During Divorce Mediation

Once you make the difficult decision to end a marriage, you probably want the divorce process to be over as soon as possible. But litigating a divorce through the courts takes time. Mediation can help you and your spouse come to an agreement much faster, easier, and with less cost. But will you be going it alone? Someone who has never gone through mediation may feel that they will be unprotected and unassisted in that mediation room.

However, this isn't true. Why? Here are three main reasons why you aren't really on your own. 

1. The Mediator Advocates for Both

The role of a divorce mediator is not to make decisions for you but to guide both spouses to their own agreement. To fulfill this goal, they do not advocate solely for one spouse or the other. They take a neutral role.

However, the person in this role is not disinterested in your needs and wants. Instead, they are interested in helping both sides equally. You may even meet with the mediator on your own to help them learn better how to help you help yourself. You may not be their only concern, but your interests are equally important to the mediator as your spouse's. 

2. You Can Consult With Professionals

Just because you don't bring others into the mediation meeting doesn't mean you have no assistance. Consult on your own with as few or as many professionals as you feel you need. This often includes accountants, financial planners, lawyers, and therapists.

Lawyers advise on legal issues and look over agreements before you commit to them. Accountants and financial planners help you set and achieve financial settlement goals. And mental health professionals assist you in keeping on an even keel and working with your ex-spouse through the process. 

3. Mediation Is Not Mandatory

Many couples choose mediation over litigation because of its speed and simplicity. But as you go through the process, you are not stuck with the choice forever. If your spouse isn't approaching mediation in good faith, for instance, you can stop at any time and take a more traditional divorce route.

Mediation is designed to empower both parties to take charge of their own agreement, so you should never feel that you're being hung out to dry. 

Where to Start

Want to know more about how mediation can help you feel more in control rather than less? To learn more about non-attorney divorce mediation, reach out to a service provider in your state. With their assistance, you and your ex can find the best path forward for everyone. 
